New In Your Leadership Role? Book a Free Coaching Session

Dear Leader,

The first 6 months in your new role are THE most critical. All eyes are on you, and your company is counting on you to make it happen. Are you prepared for the mission?

As your Leadership GPS, I can help you navigate the road ahead with proven strategies and techniques from my 25 years of an award-winning career helping companies implement processes and procedures that bring about real change and impactful results.

Gena C. Lovett PHD

Author, Speaker, Executive Consultant

Gena C. Lovett, PhD has 25+ years in the corporate world, having led manufacturing operations at The Boeing Company, and had prior leadership positions as Global Chief Diversity Officer at Alcoa as well as key roles at Ford. Gena recently earned a doctorate in Values-Driven Leadership.

C-Suite Quotient by Gena C. Lovett PHD

Leadership Culture in Action:

Shaping Organizations for the Future

The intricate dance between leadership and organizational culture lies at the heart of successful enterprises. Leadership is more than direction and decision-making in an industry valued at an impressive $366 billion. It’s about nurturing a leadership culture where behaviors, values, and visions align to craft an environment primed for growth and innovation.

This influential guide delves into the intersection of leadership and culture, offering invaluable insights from the highest echelons of the corporate world: the C-Suite.